At Kallista Primary School, children embark on a journey consisting of a sequential Arts program from Prep to Grade six aimed at encouraging the child’s self expression and visual awareness through creating, making and presenting their work.
During this journey students explore a range of techniques and processes in the areas of drawing, painting, printing, collage, construction, threads and textiles and modelling. Children are taught how to use these mediums and skills to communicate their ideas and feelings. This ability to communicate through the arts is valued by all cultures and societies.
At Kallista children are encouraged to study art work from a variety of cultures and periods which broadens their knowledge and understanding of the diversity of people and their arts throughout history .
Visual Arts at Kallista provides all children with an enriched experience and an appreciation of art in our community as part of a holistic education. Our ultimate goal is that children growing through the Kallista Visual Arts program enjoy, appreciate and contribute to an enriched society.